When Is Using God’s Name Blasphemy?

God damn it. I forgot the lead I wanted to write here.

It was on the tip of my tongue (pen, key board key, etc), and Christ, I lost it.

Jesus . . . How the hell can I ever be a successful Blogger if I am this stupid?

Well, let’s hear it. Is this blasphemy? Am I taking the name of the Lord in vain? Has what I said (wrote) been the basis for sin? Should it?

And according to whom? And is it one of those things where you have to look at the context in which the words appear to figure guilt or innocence of my act?

There is nothing like a swear word to truly express oneself. (If this phrase has never been used by someone before, well, I just wrote it, and if you want to use it without proper attribution, you can at least call it an “old Greek saying” coined right here.)

Let’s face it. You stubbed your toe and you can really curse by saying “shit,” or by using the “f” word or some other saying that most would agree should be suppressed in certain polite company.

But when you say, “Oh My God,” there is nothing, I mean nothing that can come close to what you want your listener to discern. You have just seen or experienced some startling, shocking or earth-shattering event. (If you’re one of those people who use this phrase for such beauty-parlor topics as boyfriend shenanigans, or such bar-room gossip about the appearance of some hot “dish,” forget about it! The phrase loses all impact; you have cheapened it by too many and daily usages.

Calling on God, or using God’s name in a sentence has always been seen as a good thing in the Bible. So how did the use become bad? “God damn it! Is one really calling on the Almighty to condemn a person, place or thing when these words arise?

Or is it more of a someone actually criticizing the Self for some internal blunder, the lack of ability to foresee something, or just plain old stupidity. The phrase is mostly used in a context when something appears out of no where and we have not determined —  as of that moment  — how to control it.

Jesus and Christ are also good single exclamation words. It seems they should always carry the exclamation point when you see the word in print.

Is it only the Christian and Jewish-based faiths that one can call on the Creator to use the Creator’s name for good or bad? The Greeks had “Great Zeus,” way back when.  The Romans were probably accused of blasphemy when they mentioned Jupiter’s name to strike down an enemy. It just doesn’t carry the same weight to use their names’ today.  Or does this simply show that these terms have have existed in our Western Civilization no matter what the faith or number of gods.

What about other gods or deities?

Great Allah Forever,” just couldn’t take the place of a “Good God Almighty,” in my book. Try using “By Mohammed’s Beard” in place of “Jesus H Christ” to get a point across. You don’t hear Buddha‘s name being used by someone who just struck their thumb with a hammer. A Judeo-Christian term is the only one that seems to fit for such an occassion.

Someone once said that even “bad publicity” could be good publicity; could the same apply to the use of our Supreme Being’s name? Does He (or She)  get credit every time their names are called, no matter what the reason?

I simply don’t know. And, when I find myself perplexed with one of life’s great mysteries, I fall back to that great advice that one of my Southern Drill Sergeants once told me in basic training, “I’ll just be gawd-damned.” (pardon the language clean-up).

18 comments on “When Is Using God’s Name Blasphemy?

  1. Jasmine R. says:

    I am very spiritual and I love my Lord and I have a serious question , I would never put myself before God or anyone else , on social networks I call myself “AlmightyJaee” and my aunt said something about blasphemy and I was confused , I do not call myself that to insult the Lord or even to say I’m better than anyone else; the reason I clung to the name is because I feel so powerful; I feel I can do anything through Christ that strengths me.

    I believe I have purpose not only for me but for someone else, like I’m destined to do something great and God has put BIG dreams in my hair. I just feel UNTOUCHABLE to those that try to hurt me or bring me down, so I call myself “almighty” am I wrong?

    I need honest answers because I never would intentionally do that … I need some understanding.


    • contoveros says:

      Intent is everything. It doesn’t matter what other people say or think, it is your intent that governs everything.

      I believe the divine doesn’t like to be labeled or used exclusively by one group or one individual. God or your understanding of the Creator, can be all things to each and everyone of us. It doesn’t matter what faith or religious group you belong to or don’t belong to. It doesn’t even matter if you don’t even believe in Him. He believes in us and the gifts He has bestowed upon his messengers.

      You know from the Wisdom that you were born with how to love God. Choose your own way. It is what He wants us all to do to get back into his embrace that is available to us 24 hours each day.


      Michael J

      Dream the big dreams and reach out to others who need guidance. Serve Him by serving others.


      • contoveros says:


        I am reminded of a book I read by a woman who has been speaking to and seeing angels since she was two years old. Lorna Borne, an Irish woman, wrote “Angels in My Hair.” I met her twice and felt that she too was guided by God to speak to others. She was given a “BIG” dream just like you, but was cautioned not to say anything until a few years ago . . .

        Perhaps you can read the book sometime and see what message she might have for you.

        With love!


  2. lucky ducky says:

    But what if the word God to some is simply that–the word God? Then what value would the word have in making your point about expletives or blasphemy?


    • contoveros says:

      Lucky Ducky,

      I think most elevate the word “God” in their lexicon, placing it up high with more lofty beliefs. By using the word the way I do — not in a prayer or in a Divine context — I am using it in its most common usage developed over years in the Anglo-Saxon language.

      I don’t mean to ask God to damn anyone. Just showing my displeasure with the suffering arising at the moment I say “God damn it.”

      Does that help?

      michael j

      You got a web site I could read?


      • lucky ducky says:

        No, I have no website like this. If I developed one, I’d have to change my identity and think of some really really really good stuff to write. I might get people too p.o.’d because of the way I think. I can take topics into dimensions not originally intended. I suppose it has to do with my preference for empirically-based evidence…although I will admit I default to faith on occasion because it feels good. As I mature through life, I tend to downplay divinity…or, rather question it deeper.

        Do I use the G-damn word? Very rarely. I think the F-word is far more effective and therapeutic.


        • contoveros says:


          I admire your limited use of the F-word. Using it rarely — and judiciously — gives it more of an impact. I’m the same way. (Most of the time.)

          Don’t like to use it on the Blog. Guess I’m old-fashioned that way.

          michael j


  3. sidewalkbends says:

    Buddha damn it! That was fantastic!

    Now I hear that’s an old Greek saying.



  4. Rod says:

    It is quite obvious you have no love for Christ because of your new age beliefs.


    • contoveros says:


      If you found any offense from this article, then I apologize. I meant no disrespect to God or to Jesus Christ or any other spiritual leader such as Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, just to name a few. Don’t know if I am actually writing to a person or an organization. I tried to reach you, but could only come across your e-mail at


      Michael J Contos, Esq.


      • Rod says:

        Michael, I am not offended just pointing out a stand point.

        But you have it wrong again, Jesus Christ is NOT a spiritual leader, but God Himself. And Buddha opposes the Word of God so using both these names in the same sentence, respectfully to you, displays great ignorance in understanding the Word of God and Man’s word about God.

        Chalk and cheese, mate!



        • contoveros says:

          Letting it go, Rod.

          But, please tell me what “chalk and cheese” actually means. Is it like a game of chess figure of speech?

          And “mate” sounds British. Am I close?


    • saradode says:

      “Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,

      Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

      Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

      This is the first and great commandment.

      And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”


      Michael does these things at least as well as anyone I know, and he doesn’t dishonor God by condemning others.

      Are these things true of you as well?




  5. […] story I related. ( See: Dresden ) I did use a couple of “God damns” in another story.  Using God That had to have been […]


  6. saradode says:

    Hm…My mother tells me that, “Oh shit,” were my FIRST words. Clearly it indicated a poetic bent at an early age. 🙂 I wonder what my last words will be!



  7. By Jove, I think you’ve got it!

    As an aside, I think I read somewhere that ‘oh shit’ were the most commonly recorded last words.


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