‘Awake’ now from a war of thunder

The outcome doesn’t matter

Don’t make the goal your only aim

Make the path just like a game. 

Live it now, not tomorrow

Live the good, and all the sorrow.

Eat with spoonfuls of 50 chews each

The silence has so much to teach.

Go inside for Divine light’s glow

Let the child (the boy, the girl) inside you grow.

See the world in awe and wonder

“Awakened” from a war of thunder.

Shift your thought from your old refrain

Focus on the minute, the small, the mundane.

It is where the living truly find a rest

When we try to skip what God won’t bless.

Breathe, breathe and breathe again

Welcome the air just like a friend.

In and out, out and in

Let the journey begin, begin, begin.


(Poem without comments) michael j


4 comments on “‘Awake’ now from a war of thunder

  1. tinapeacock says:

    I LOVE this. It’s perfectly timed, as usual.

    Thanks for sharing all your heart with us, it makes all the difference.


    • At your service, Tinapeacock, simply trying to live in this moment like a person on a large barge with everyone else, flowing through life with no sense of time, space or national heritage.

      michael j


  2. Walter Gremillion says:

    I had written something similar, I like yours better.

    07-Epiphany Express



    • You’re walt? I thought I was reading walt whitman!

      Read your piece and loved the ending of your train of thought. Will return for more rides. Destination does not matter, it’s all about the trip getting there.

      michael j


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