End needless suffering in US debates

Tone it down America. You are cutting off your nose to despite your face. The face of the body politic, that is, and we are creating needless hurt for the countrymen we’d like to lead to our mutual goal: the pursuit of happiness.

Keith  Olbermann called an elected state representative an “asshole” on a recent cable television show. He said it not once, but twice, and while I tend to agree with most of what he usually says, I cringed and felt sorry for the person he had ridiculed. The young government official had suggested that his state, I believe it was Florida, should re-introduce the electric chair and offer a death-row inmate the choice of being killed by that or a firing squad. The 36-year-old “statesman” (my word) said he would have preferred throwing off a locally named bridge anyone condemned to death, but that was against state law.

The next day,  Olbermann repeated his name-calling, and produced the official’s response. The man allegedly stated that in the words of “Humphrey Bogart,”  he didn’t “give a damn” what the former MSNBC commentator said. Whereby, Olbermann insinuated the people’s representative was dumber than a doorknob (my words in a more charitable way) because most movie buffs know it was Clark Gable who, when asked by Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With The Wind what she would do if he ever left her, said the famous line, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

Calling me an “asshole” makes my blood boil. I got PTSD (post traumatic stress) from fighting in the Vietnam War, and I want to not only attack the person who calls me such a loaded name, but harbor long and secret plans to seek revenge and do much harm to the man (or woman) calling me such. It stirs up anger and blood-red rage inside.

I cannot engage in peaceful dialogue, let alone bear to face the person speaking without wanting to “deck him,” and to hell with any criminal penalties I’d might face.

If he had the chance to do it again, I believe Olbermann would soften his criticism and be more compassionate. Compassion is what draws most of my liberal friends to progressive causes, not ridicule of another’s beliefs, no matter how much we may dislike that view.

And while I’m at it, Ed Shultz, I’d like you to stop calling Rush Limbaugh “the drugster” because of the radio talkshow host’s past bout with pill addiction. I dislike what Limbaugh says about progressives, and I cringe just as much (actually, much more!) when  he says what I believe to be racist comments as you have presented Rushbaugh doing on your show.

Stop calling Mitt Romney “Willard,” Reverand Al. You’re feisty enough without adding such elementary schoolyard banter to make a point.

Hannity, on the other side, should immediately cease from calling the president “the anointed one.” It’s demeaning and hurtful, and I don’t think you really want to cause suffering to anyone but only to give your view in the most colorful way to persons agreeing with your sentiment. Name-calling makes a person small, no matter how great his television ratings might be.

Well, I apologize if I have offended anyone. You can call me whatever you like (except the “a word.”) I hope to follow the advice of communicator with a more loving and compassionate message and medium. Happiness, he has found, is in the pursuit of ending all suffering, including those with whom we may not like.

10 comments on “End needless suffering in US debates

  1. livvy1234 says:


    • contoveros says:

      Who says Occupy Wall Street demonstrators aren’t focused? People should watch this video to get a sign of real eye-openers!


      I might just write about what you presented here, Livvy.

      michael j,
      signing “over,” but not “out.”


  2. Beechmount says:


    Welcome back-and I note that you are taking out an insurance policy-returning to your Catholic past. I beleive it’s called “hedging your bets”.

    Those people you call “Democrats” in the states, we generally refer to as “Liberals” here in Canada, although the term may be a bit of a misnomer, since most political parties are made up of elected “want to be rubber barons”, whose intellect remains on the level of mamals not belonging to the specie “Homo Sapiens”.

    Although we have our political “name callers” here in Canada, I remain one who think the political scene in the US of A is somewhat akin to a comedy show, where mud slinging is a primary feature. They walk among us !!!!!!!!


    • contoveros says:

      Once a Catholic, always a Catholic, but without all of the dogma,is how I want to see myself now. I’m liberal in most things but conservative in others. It all depends on the issue. What I don’t like, is someone calling others names to simply insult them and place themselves above them.

      Don’t they know they push away anyone they are trying to influence with their position? I’m put off by name-calling and want to shut down anything further they may want to say.

      michael j


  3. saradode says:

    He’s back! He’s back!! YAY!!! 🙂
    Hi, Michael! I love your two new posts. For myself, I’ve come to the conclusion that politics is a useless, delusional, and counterproductive game, and that a new approach (or perhaps it’s a VERY old one) must be found. I think it involves stepping outside of the game, giving oneself some silence and solitude in order to see first ourselves, and then the rest of it, clearly and compassionately, and then finding another way in. That will probably sound kind of muddled to some, but I have a feeling that you’ll understand what I’m saying… 🙂

    YAY!! He’s back!!

    Nancy xo


    • contoveros says:

      I understand you loud and clear and agree that one must step outside of the “self” in order to see the big picture rather than the isolated one our ego demands we constantly feed. It is when we see and can place the needs and desires of others over our own that we learn how to provide for the common good of all.

      Don’t know how long I’ll be “back.” Who knows of any one’s future in such an impermanentt state.

      I hope to enjoy the moment in the here and now, along with greatest seer who has ever written a blog, my good friend, Nancy..


  4. Ed Cunningham says:

    Inflamatory comments are not said to have a discussion, they are said to shut the discussion down. I have made my share of hurtful, crude and intentionally provocative remarks in my life, then I graduated high school and started to grow up a little. “He started it first.” Responding in kind also has no positive effect except to make you feel better for a couple moments.


    • contoveros says:

      Name-calling didn’t work much when we were younger. Why do adults think it can as we mature? It’s hurtful from whatever age you are, and will foreclose any healthy debate that is so badly needed nowadays.
      — michael j,
      enjoying a little “needling” from his favorite accupunture man!


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