Wallet found & returned synchronistically

I felt like a boy scout as I found a young woman’s lost wallet and marched it to the police station while another person walking outdoors helped to notify the owner.

By the time I got to the borough hall building and spoke to a police spokesperson, the woman had called the station and was on the phone the moment I walked into the headquarter’s dispatch center.

Wow! Talk about synchronicity!

I was walking outside as I approached a Mexican restaurant that used to be a Greek pizzeria some three blocks from my home. There on the grass near the gutter lay an object no bigger than a paper-back book cut in half: 3+1/2 by 3+1/2. I reached over and picked it up with curiosity and was surprised to see it had a tiny strap clicked closed. I opened it and immediately saw the photo on a Pennsylvania drivers’ license and knew it was a wallet.

It contained several credit cards and had only a few pennies and a bunch of “forever stamps” with the American flag design in a small zippered compartment. There were no bills of any denomination.

Just at that moment, I saw a woman walking toward me. I recognized her from previous walks as I try to get in 10,000 steps a day. She was exercising just like me and I asked her to stop and look at what I had discovered. The woman – in her mid to late 20s – immediately opened her cell phone and focused on Facebook and somehow located the woman. She sent a text message advising her that I was going to leave the wallet with the Conshohocken police.

I continued on my jaunt but speeded up the walk and got to the borough hall building in less then 10 minutes. I walked in, sauntered up to the glass-protected counter, and asked to speak to someone about the lost wallet I found.

A police official named Beth surprised the hell out of me . . .

She told me the woman whose wallet I had found was on the phone as we were speaking . . .

Synchronicity. Yes. Like Carl G Jung said somethings are not just coincidences, but are more meaningful than how they first appear. “Synchronicity” was the term he used to label the coming together of those things.

The woman was expected to pick up the wallet later in the day, according to the police official. I was extremely happy that she didn’t have to contact the credit card people to stop her card usage or to order new ones. Let’s not forget having to contact the Department of Motor Vehicles to update her license.

Finding a happy ending is always a synchronistic thrill!

18 comments on “Wallet found & returned synchronistically

  1. I found a wallet once 🤦‍♀️ I took the money 🤦‍♀️ I spent the money (on drugs) 🤦‍♀️ by the end of the week I took the money back to the store where I found the wallet and as I walked in the lady said we’ve been looking for you and I said I’ve been feeling horrible and I spoke with myself inside of myself and I wanted to return the money… She said they were calling to police… Then that she would pray for me… And that I could not come back into the store… 🤷‍♀️ No good deed goes unpunished… I also ask her to please not pray for me… 🙃 I forgot about my choices not all of them but the good ones I do no matter how anyone else may perceive my “good”😍 thank you for sharing this and allowing a space for me to share as well 🙏

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yernasia Quorelios says:

    💜 Perfect EveryOne; please Pay Attention EveryBody


    Liked by 2 people

    • contoveros says:

      I guess one could say you kind of like this blog post a little!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Yernasia Quorelios says:

        💜 Still waiting, 3 Years later, for the return of mine, minus the money of course; a copper told me hers was returned after 1 Year and plenty of folk have stuff returned Decades Later by The Detecting Skills of “Good Samaritans”


        Liked by 1 person

        • contoveros says:

          Wow. Three years.
          I misplaced mine several times but always located them the same day even though I labeled them as lost
          A cop got one back in a year. That’s cool.
          But getting things back decades later? I don’t know. I list my dog tags my last day in the combat zone of the Vietnam War 50 years ago this year. My son still believes that they may reappear somehow, somewhere. I guess you never really know.

          Good luck with your wallet oddesey!

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Such a simple, awesome, perfect story to start my Sunday. Thank you! I’m so glad it was a good happy ending! We need more of those for sure.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. cabrogal says:

    Well that beats my experience.

    In the early 80s I was living in a high crime inner Sydney area and commuting to my IT job on the well heeled North Shore.

    One morning I spotted a wallet in the courtyard of my block of flats. Driver’s licence, some other ID, a credit card, a small photo of a couple with a toddler, no cash.

    I’d be late for work but figured the guy would be frantic so I went a few blocks out of my way to turn it in at Oxford Street police station. The woman at the desk did a driver’s licence check straight away and rang the owner while another cop quizzed me about finding it.

    Was he grateful? Maybe. He insisted there’d been a few hundred dollars in it and the police should hold me until he got there so he could see if I was one of the guys who’d mugged him the night before. The cop just shook her head and told me to leave.

    Liked by 2 people

    • contoveros says:


      A true Samaritan being called a mugger.

      I hope it didn’t shake your trust in most people who would be gracious and thankful for such a benevolent act on your part.
      And you were late for work in his behalf to boot!

      Liked by 1 person

      • cabrogal says:

        And it was so freaking bizarre. As if a mugger is gonna roll up at a police station to turn in his stolen goods. At least the cops had a bit of a laugh.

        The area was known for sex workers and drug dealing, so it probably wasn’t wise for him to tell the cops he’d been carrying hundreds in cash either. That was real money back then.

        Liked by 1 person

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