Birthday coincidence or just a cosmic joke?

   Does fate have anything to do with the day that a person is born? Can one person born on the same date years earlier have some sort of influence on someone born years and perhaps even centuries later?

   I mean, I was born on December 1st and share a biorhythm with Woody Allen, Richard Prior, Lou Rawls, and Bette Midler, all of whom are or were older than me. I love to joke around and make people smile like the two famous comedians, and I loved singing Doo Wop as a young man and still believe I can carry a tune some times.

   But I could not get over that the author of the horror book “Dracula,” an Irishman by the name of Bram Stoker who was also a theater manager, shares his birthday with a fellow born in Romania and was a prince in Transylvania by the name of Vlad the Impaler!

   How strange or other worldly is that? Did the author know Vlad’s birthday when he wrote the book in 1897? The brutal and sadistic leader famous for torturing his foes and responsible for the deaths of some 80,000 people, was born more than 500 years before the novel’s publication. How crazy or ironic is that?

   I check birthdays of famous people every day on a site called “Today’s Famous Birthdays.” For instance, singer Patti Page and “Gone with the Wind” author Margaret Mitchell share their birthday today. It is also the birthday of Edmond Halley, with whom astronomers have named “Halley’s Comet.”  

   But Bram and Vlad take the proverbial cake in my book. It’s weird man, weird!

Is it ironic that the leader of Russia today shares the same name as Vlad?

17 comments on “Birthday coincidence or just a cosmic joke?

  1. Very interesting article, no matter what an individual beliefs are. Omens and forecasts have fascinated mankind for centuries. 👍👍👍

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jen says:

    I am intrigued by this subject also the traits of people born on certain days.
    I have found insight in the book The Secret Language of Birthdays by Gary Goldschneider.
    If you are interested I can message what it says for December 1st people. I found the book at Barnes and Nobles.
    another book in the collection is the Secret Book of Relationships. You look up the birthdates of 2 people it shows a right up of said relationship. Very interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • contoveros says:


      I would love to have you send a message (text at 215-805-0256) about [people born on Dec. 1st. “Secret Language of Birthdays.” It sounds cool.

      I don’t have any special relationships right now so I wouled pass on the romantic one.

      Thanks for your input!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Kymber Hawke says:

    That is so weird about Bram Stoker and Vlad III! Since the age of 15, I’ve read Dracula every October and have done a lot of research on Vlad III. But I never put that together. Thank you so much for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kymber Hawke says:

      I hit “send” before I was ready. lol

      I share my birthday with Jodie Foster, Adam Driver, Meg Ryan, Calvin Klein, Miley Cyrus, Gene Tierney, and many more. I guess it’s a popular date. LOL


    • contoveros says:

      Me, I was a Frankenstein baby. I still remember seeing the Boris Karloff movie in a real movie theater before it was shown on television and how I crawled beneath the cushioned seat every time he appeared on the screen. Couldn’t believe it when I leanred later that he was created by a young woman, Mary Shelley!


      I am impressed with the many good people that you share your birthday with. I believe you can create a good connection if you simply give it a try. It’s fun too!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kymber Hawke says:

        I would have loved to have seen Frankenstein with Boris Karloff in the theater! I love the Universal Monster Movies. 😀

        Me, too, regarding Mary Shelley!

        I will try. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m not sure about this, but I do know that I share a birth day – with two famous people who I absolutely loathe and I always say that I was born on this day to even out the energy of these two evil beings on the planet.

    I do believe that the universe has a rhythm and that there are patterns and an organization that I will never understand (for example, I love the concept of chaos theory!). But other than the joyous fun part of it all, I don’t put too much weight on it. Though I’m always open to the possibilities! It is rather interesting…

    Liked by 1 person

    • contoveros says:

      Who knows what birthday sharers have or do not have in common. Maybe you were chosen because they were so loathsome ad you could handle their peronas. Who knows?

      (I’d love to know the identities of the two people however, if that is not a trade secret.)


      • On, not a trade secret by any means. My apologies for not stating earlier: Rush Limbaugh, who is now dead and rotting in hell I presume. And Howard Stern, who in his elder years, seems to have changed a bit, so I don’t hate him as I once did when he was considered the “shock jock”. Also, Kristie Alley — Scientologist queen and a bit cray cray — also, dead. She used to be on Cheers. And I loved her then, but AFTER that, she lost her dang on mind.

        I was certainly born to balance the universe. (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!). 😏


        • contoveros says:

          I am in total agreement with you and my heart goes out to you for having to suffer whatever bad vibes they may have sent your way both living and while they were dead.

          Kristie Alley took me by surprise after the television series when she openly supported Trump and the MAGA movement. Rush Limbaugh turned out to be a junkie of some sorts and I agree that Howard Stern has changed over time particulalry since the days when he graciously contacted the former presidetial asshole.

          (Oops. I hope I didn’t offend anyone with that Richard Prior slip of the tongue.)


  5. My birthday is December 1st also! And I’ve often wondered is it the day that we were born or the day we were conceived that might influence our “personalities” (is that the word I’m looking for? 🤷)🤔

    Liked by 1 person

    • contoveros says:

      Happy Dec. 1st birthday my fellow Sagitarian!

      Getting back to your very good question. The Tibetan Book of the Dead says that we entered what is known as the “Bardo” for up to 49 days upon our death and actually take part in choosing our next set of parents. So who knows if conception forms us more than the actual day of birth?

      This of course deals with reincarnation and I have met several psycholgists who claim we actually meet with our guides and angels upon our death and discuss whether we achieved what we were sent back to life to achieve. Did we fulfill the contract we signed before incarnating again. How can we succeed the next time?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ooooo I hope we do get to meet and discuss it would be nice to know that we have options to choose and the opportunity to try and try again! Giggle Giggle 🤗 I don’t know about you but I’m one of few people I know that actually enjoy sharing my birthday with others I always think it’s quite astounding to know another individual born on the same day that I’m born not necessarily the same year but to share in that day I find quite enjoyable 🤗 and it is also almost our birthday fellow Sagittarius 🏹 🤗🤗🤗🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • Have you ever read “Trial by Existence” by Robert Frost? Brilliant poem about the soul’s journey …

        Liked by 1 person

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